Cart Life Game

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  3. Cart Life Game
  4. Cat Life Game

Race a real-world Mario Kart™ through your home! Use the Nintendo Switch™ system to control your kart and watch as it reacts to what’s happening in the game as you boost and drift to victory. Your in-home course comes to life on-screen with a view from right behind the driver’s seat. Turn your home into a Mario Kart course of your design. Cart Life is a simulation video game developed by Richard Hofmeier using Adventure Game Studio for Microsoft Windows released in 2010. The game was added to Steam in March 2013 but later removed when Hofmeier released the full source code for free.

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Cart Life is a self-described 'retail simulation' game, developed by Richard Hofmeier. In it, you, the player, take on the life of one of three small time retail vendors in the city of Georgetown. Throughout the game, you have to sell enough goods to make ends meet and, hopefully, fulfill your character's personal goals. In addition to all the stresses of owning a stall or cart, such as obtaining an up-to-date permit, keeping your supply up, and actually stocking and selling the product through a series of minigames, you have to navigate through the personal troubles and interpersonal awkwardness of the characters, which range from buying food and nursing their personal addictions to bigger challenges, such as settling a divorce hearing.

Throughout the game, you're given a look into the lives of people who are destitute and struggling for a better life. And the matter of whether or not they do get a better life is in your hands.

The characters are as follows:

  • Andrus Podor, a man from Ukraine whose troubled past has fostered his addiction to cigarettes, as well as his strong attachment to his cat, Mr. Glembovski. After several troubled months, he's decided to take over a newspaper stand to start a new life in Georgetown.
  • Melanie Emberley, a woman whose sudden divorce has triggered her financial disaster and an expensive custody battle, along with severe anxiety over her daughter, Laura. Her dream of owning her own coffee shop is all that stands between her and losing her daughter
  • Vinnie, an entrepreneur with a caffeine addiction and a rocky history with Georgetown. His latest in a long line of businesses, a bagel cart, has taken him back to the city yet again.

The creator released the game's download link and full source code for free in 2013, making it a Freeware Game. The official websites have since been abandoned, but it's still relatively easy to find and download.

Cart Life provides examples of:

  • Adult Fear: Losing the ones you love, being unable to feed yourself or pay for rent, and being estranged from your own family are the main fears present.
  • Classical Anti-Hero: All three characters are normal people plagued by physical or emotional addiction. Especially prominent with Andrus, whose depression and night terrors have left him a barely-recovered emotional wreck.
  • Determinator: All three player characters. Life hasn't treated them well, but they keep going anyway.
  • Deliberately Monochrome: It adds to the bleak, cynical view of the game.
  • Grey-and-Gray Morality: There is no Big Bad, and every character is motivated, to varying degrees, by their own happiness and survival.
  • Advertisement:
  • I Never Told You My Name: Andrus, in his good ending, has a moment like this with George. Andrus can lie and say they were introduced, and be believed, though.
  • In-Universe Game Clock: And one that is always ticking, even while paused.
  • Must Have Caffeine: Vinny becomes significantly more sluggish if he can't get his coffee.
  • Must Have Nicotine Anders stops to cough every few seconds if he goes too long without smoking.
  • Nightmare Sequence: Andrus has a good deal of nightmares about Caroline and his unborn child.
  • Nintendo Hard: The game is exceedingly brutal, due to the many, many factors you need to juggle in order to survive, as well as the fact that time passes extremely quickly in-game.
  • Not Safe for Work: Has a bit of nudity and drug use in it.
  • Perpetual Poverty: The other vendors and shopkeepers in Georgetown are about as well off as you are, if not worse, throughout the game.
  • Schrödinger's Player Character: Completely averted. Pick one character, and the other two characters show up as NPCs, complete with their own shops.
  • Slice of Life: Very, very hard lives.
  • Story-to-Gameplay Ratio: Unusually high, considering the game is a sim. The game places a great deal of focus on your character's life outside of their business, as well as their motivations for becoming an entrepreneur.
  • Welcome to My World: Extra Credits recommended this game as a way to 'walk a mile in another's shoes.' There is little to deny this claim.
  • Where the Hell Is Springfield?: Georgetown could refer to any one of 39 cities in the US alone, as well as a neighborhood in Washington, D.C.


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Cart Life

by hofmeier

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File size: 200 MB
Downloaded: 5,908 times
Graphics: 640x400, 16-bit color



Cat Life Games For Free

18 May 2011
Short Game Can be completed within 30 minutes
Medium Length Game Takes at least 30 mins to finish
Full Length Game As long as a Sierra / LucasArts classic
Non-Adventure Game Using Adventure Game Studio for something else?!
Joke Game You know when it fits this category ;)
Demo Unfinished Games / Commercial Games
Training Game Games made just to try out AGS
<Category Not Set> Not yet categorised
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Frontal nudity
Occasional, mild


Cart Life Game Download

Public Opinion

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7 people have rated this game so far:

About this game

A retail simulation for windows. See the people who made this game and any other games they've worked on >>
Writing, Art, Scripting, Sound + Music
Smooth Scrolling & Parallax Scripting

AGS Awards Wins

Cart Life Game

Won, Best Non Adventure Game Created with AGS 2011

Won, Best Programming 2011

This is an amazing game, but full of bugs. The developer gave up in frustration and open-sourced the game; I made a project on github with the code and have started cleaning it up, and making it so it compiles with newer versions of AGS:
That said, the code is an incredible mess. It's no wonder bugs happened with code that was so messy. I think the original author (hofmeier, much respect) was/is a brilliant designer but very inexperienced in quality coding and software construction. If the code is cleaned up to be more according to modern standards and 'clean code' in general, I think there would be a much better possibility of fixing the bugs and making it playable.
If you are interested, there are notes in the source code and readme with some of the direction I was trying to take with it.
2014-08-08 18:51:40 by Sledgy
Dear ray: You've done something that, as far as I'm aware, nobody else has done and therefore encountered a situation that Cart Life doesn't accommodate. Let me explain: The newspapers 'expire' at midnight (because they're no longer, technically, 'today's newspaper'). Since you've taken so long to get through the tutorial, midnight has come and the newspapers can't be sold anymore, and you can't finish the tutorial. I admit, I hadn't foreseen this circumstance ever arising, and you've explored new, unseen territory: congratulations. In the meanwhile, please consider restarting the game and trying to get through Andrus' tutorial in less than six hours. I'll include a suitable fix in the next build of the game. Cheers!
i don't know, looks promising, but i cannot play it.
right at the start i am told to pick up newspapers, did that. then i am told to raise price, did that, and raised to 50 cent. get the dialogue again, ok, raised again to 55 cent, get the dialogue again, but when i go to menu, newspapers are gone and i cannot raise them. error ? i cannot pickup new newspapers on tuesday because he wants to sleep, but i cannot sleep anywhere, no option in the menu, cannot enter the newspaper stand to sleep there, and cannot enter any other buldings. game keeps telling me i should raise the price, but there is no object in the menu to raise the price, because i need the newspapers from tuesday, but can't pick them up because he wants to sleep. really getting on my nerves.. no way to play on. tried for 20 minutes now. BUGGY!

Cat Life Game

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