Hyperimage App

App Tabs 2020 Latest Version - Work with Firefox tabs in a neat and tidy manner thanks to App Tabs. HyperImage 2020 Latest Version - Download images from a. Give your app the name FirstDockerApp, and make sure to check the option that says – Place solution and project in the same directory. Next, select the template called ASP.NET Core Web App this will create a basic ASP.NET Core Razor Pages based app. It’s time to run the app in visual studio. The HyperImage platform supports the linking of (audio)-visual objects, texts and mixed-media documents. HyperImage allows any number of details, or subregions, within an image to be highlighted and described, and for annotations within a corpus to be linked to each other, making them accessible in indices. Interim results as well as final versions can be compiled at any time as an online/offl. Download a free trial! HyperSnap 8 is the fastest and easiest way to take screen captures from Windows screen. HyperSnap combines the power of a first-class screen capture application with an advanced image editing utility - wrapped into one easy-to-use tool. Now compatible Windows 10 desktop mode.

Developer: KavaSoft

Price: $30

Requirements: Mac OS X 10.4. Universal.

Trial: Feature-limited (adds a watermark to downloaded images)

HyperImage downloads pictures posted and linked throughout a Website’s structure and presents them for slideshow or directory viewing.As a reviewer of music and software, this helps me find specificscreenshots, concert pictures, and so on. Rather than pick throughGoogle’s image search one-by-one, I can build an expansive review ofpictures available away from the Web. An application that can take aseries of site URLs, download them over lunch, and present the contentsat my leisure definitely wins over the time and mental effort ofclicky-clicky-click.


It doesn’t take much to get HyperImage going. Download the DMG, mountit, and drag it into your Applications folder.

Feature Exploration

Enter a Web site’s URL in the address bar and choose Download to startthe cascade of data to your Mac. The pictures (and directory structure)from a site appear below the address bar as they arrive.

If you’re looking at sites with a wide-ranging goal, like my interest ina good concert picture, the default options capture just abouteverything for picking and choosing. If too much dross gets through, thepreferences pane helps you cut down the total number returned.


Limiting images by domain, type, and size.

I found this most useful to eliminate thumbnails and other smallpictures, since they don’t look good posted with an article. Otherusers, especially those on dial-up, might prefer only pictures below acertain size to reduce download time.

Slideshows work much like iPhoto or other image presentation software.You can look at a big platter of images within a window or toggle thefull-screen viewer to absorb the whole screen.

The full-screen viewer works both during and after image downloads.

Hyperimage App For Laptop

Some sites number their images sequentially, like 001.jpg, 002.jpg, andso on. Target one of these specific groups by enclosing the desiredimage range in brackets as part of your URL.

While HyperImage does include features like a site “mirror” thatdownloads everything or checks the pages for broken links, it rightlyfocuses on image capture and presentation. (The link-checker, forexample, probably matters most to image-site Web masters, and they shouldalready have one of those.)

Most Useful Feature

HyperImage targets image collection so directly, it’s hard to pick out asingle “best” element. I guess the fact that everything runs in thebackground and you can queue up several sites for sequential downloadserves as my favorite feature.

Bugs and Nitpicks

After using HyperImage on-and-off for a few weeks, my usage patternschanged. Instead of entering one URL and watching the images arrive, Ilet everything finish prior to review. If I changed my mind partwaythrough, it took quite a while for the “stop downloading” command totake effect. To avoid that irritation, I’d just wait for the download tofinish, browse a few results, set new “filters” for the site thateliminated a category of useless images, and run everything again. Theapplication would be more efficient (and feel more like a Web browser)with a very responsive “stop” button.

I only ran into one stability problem using HyperImage. While working ona music review, I checked out the ThomasDolby.com site for suitableartist pictures. Unfortunately, something about the site caused theapplication to crash and close. I re-opened it and tried again with thesame result. I rebooted my Mac and tried again with the same result.This proved the only crash-causing site I found during my month-longreview usage. (Of course, actually trying to break the program mighthave found more issues.)

Is It Worth the Money?

I definitely see the value in HyperImage, given the amount of time youcan spend clicking around (and around) on image sites. Almost every URLI “visited” provided a nice list of pictures that tell the site’s storywithout all that bothersome text. For version 1.0 software, it followsthrough well on delivering a complete site’s images. If a softwareupdate corrected my issues with the interaction delay and crash-causingsites, the whole package would be even more useful.


Hyperimage App For Android


Hyperimage App Download

People who like to work with big caches of images should get a lot ofutility out of HyperImage. At first glance, it looked like a cousin toGoogle’s image search, but with more comprehensive results. After someuse, it seems the two really go hand-in-hand. Search first for imagesites that match a desired term (say, “lolcats”) and then let HyperImageplumb the depths of the URLs you find.

Hyperimage App Free

Copyright © 2007 Matthew Glidden, mglidden@atpm.com. Reviewing inATPM is open to anyone. If you’re interested, write to us atreviews@atpm.com.