Jetbrains Rider

Jetbrains-rider has passed automated virus scanning, however requires human verification. Package Scan Status Type was: ScannerExempted. This could mean that a file for this package was too large to be scanned, or that the number of scanned files doesn't match the number of expected files. Rider from JetBrains only has a paid version, not a free one. This differs from Visual Studio, which also offers a community edition, of course, lacking several features of its enterprise counterpart. It’s features are listed on JetBrains site here. Rider originates from other JetBrains such as ReSharper and WebStorm but now turned into an.

What is dotnet watch?

  • Rider should have a Community Edition. Visual Studio 2017 has a Community Edition which is almost equivalent to Visual Studio 2017 Professional Edition. In compared Rider doesn't have any Community Edition at all. And till now Visual Studio is most popular IDE for.NET development. To compete with Visual Studio in market Rider must have a.
  • Code Vision gathers various metrics for types and type members and displays this information above or after their declarations. Position of metrics, their maximum number, and other preferences can be configured on the Editor Code Vision page of JetBrains Rider settings Ctrl+Alt+S.

dotnet watch is a way to immediately trigger a dotnet command when a file changes. The most common uses for this are using it to automatically re-run your application (using dotnet watch run) or automatically re-run your tests (using dotnet watch test) after a file change. This obviously speeds up your workflow so you don’t have to restart your server or your tests manually.

A new feature of dotnet watch run in .NET 5+ is that it will automatically launch a browser and auto-refresh the browser after it detects a change and finishes compiling (if your application has a UI).

What is JetBrains Rider?

JetBrains Rider is a cross-platform .NET IDE from the people at JetBrains (who make many developer productivity tools such as Resharper for Visual Studio, TeamCity, IntelliJ, and more). It is my go-to IDE now, due to all of its productivity enhancements over the base install of Visual Studio. I’ve been a user of Resharper for years, but Resharper and Visual Studio never seemed to play very nice together and ended up slowing down Visual Studio significantly. I put up with it due to all the extra functionality Resharper provided.

With Rider, I get all the benefits of Resharper and it’s fast. I can use Rider on Windows or macOS (which I bounce between for personal and professional work), and a lot of features are included for $150 that I would have to spend thousands to get in Visual Studio Enterprise (such as Continuous Testing).

How do I integrate dotnet watch and Rider?

Alright, now for the part you came here for. Obviously, you could run dotnet watch run directly using the terminal, but it’d be nice to have this as a launch configuration option right in Rider that is only a CTRL + F5 away. Here’s how to do that:

  1. Open your solution in Rider
  2. Select your Configuration and hit Edit Configurations
  1. Click the Plus in the top left to Add New Configuration
  1. Choose Native Executable (Note: you CAN search)
  1. Give it a Name, I called mine dotnet watch
  2. For “Exe path” choose C:Program Filesdotnetdotnet.exe if you’re on Windows or /usr/local/share/dotnet/dotnet if you’re on macOS
  3. For “Program arguments” type watch run
  4. For “Working directory” choose the directory that your application’s csproj resides in.
  5. For “Environment variables” You could add ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT=Development if it’s an ASP.NET Core app, but the environment variables defined in your launchSettings.json will take precedence (under the node that contains 'command name': 'project').
  6. The final output should look like this:
  1. Hit OK
  1. Now start the app with your new configuration selected
  1. That’s it! You’ll notice that your Run tab of Rider will now show your watch command running

That’s it!

Jetbrains Rider Unity

I hope this helps someone else. An example of this in action is below:

Note: auto-attaching the debugger does not work with this option in Rider. The issue to track that is here if you want to give that a thumbs up to vote for JetBrains to work on that feature in an upcoming release.

Rider is a full-fledged, cross-platform .NET IDE. Rider can open, manage, build and debug a wide variety of .NET Framework, Mono and .NET Core based solutions, and provides editing support for most languages used in .NET development: C#, VB.NET, F#, ASP.NET syntax, XAML, XML, JavaScript, TypeScript, JSON, HTML, CSS, and SQL.

If you are new to Rider, you can get started with the first-steps guide or with the Quick-Start Tips.

Jetbrains Rider Vs Visual Studio

If you are already using Rider and have questions about specific features, try browsing the table of contents on the left or use the help search above.

If you want to configure Rider to your liking or learn more about less known features, go to the Streamline Your Work with JetBrains Rider section.

If you think that something is not right with your Rider installation, visit our support portal, where you can search through the knowledge base, join the community forum, and submit your problems to our support team.

You can also watch this 25-minute overview video where Maarten Balliauw explains what Rider is about and guides you through its initial setup and main features.

Jetbrains Rider

When consulting this page and other pages in JetBrains Rider documentation, you can see keyboard shortcuts for the keymap that you use in the IDE — choose it using the selector at the top of a page.

Jetbrains Rider C#

Last modified: 09 June 2021