The Neopian Beauty Pagent!
February 28th, 2000
The first beauty contest at Neopets was quite succesful. Some pets had the nicest gowns and tuxedos on... WOW! Just in case you missed any of it, here is a full coverage.
Puzzle 5 – Navigating The Cave. This small, eerie looking cave is the Moltara Dark Cave, which holds Red Moltite somewhere within its many corridors. However, even with your lantern, you still have to find out which corridors lead where. This is the basic view of the start of the Dark Cave. To proceed, you must choose left or right, and see. Neopets.Com - Virtual Pet Community! Join up for free games, shops, auctions, chat and more! Get ready to relax to the sound of ocean waves, mingle with other party-goers, eat delicious food, and pick up some wonderful goodie bags each day you visit the Altador Coastline Gala! Pick up your wristbands from the NC Mall to join the party. Although the beauty contest votes are seen as unfair because the famous people of Neopets can gather in more votes than a newbie or infamous player. The prizes are as follows: Overall Winners! Species Winners! First Prize – 20,000 NP + one rare item. Second Prize – 10,000 NP + one rare item.
From the Tuskaninny Section, Celico, Elania, Torry and Tuskanniny looked terrific. Elaina wore a black dress with small white dots and Celico and Torry and Tuskanniny had amazing hair styles.
In the JibJib section, Pajamas and karate jibjibs were adorable in their outfits and so was Lemon Crystal in 2 different outfits...
This was my first beauty contest entry and I was trying only for the avatar. I didn't realize that you couldn't post in your siggy and on boards for votes. I received a warning and it said my pet would be removed from the BC. My pet still shows up in the search for the entries. Will my pet be removed?
Now, the Aisha entries were quite hard to judge... They all had fabulous and beautiful outfits. Aisha, Aisha Fairy, Alextia and Cupcake were stunning in their fabulous outfits. Meziar and Kat and Punkish were very in style. In the boys section of this contest, _Justin_, Kili, Corja and Dabloon were awesome. Dabloon had a very stylish skateboard and was one of the stars of the contest. There were many other amazing entries such as Eve by WyndChymz and Ocarina and Lilira and many more.
The Elephante entries were very creative. Bellisima and Elephante looked like paintings in a show. The Chia entries were cute. Chia and Jadestone were the only two contestants but what costumes. Very impressive.
Some costumes in the Lupe competition. They ranged from Magician to Cowgirl to a hunter... quite some fabulous entries in that section. The polypop entries were quite marvelous. All of the pets looked beautiful. Glammer_Pup's and Polypup and Shilery and Vulpixx were dressed like princesses for Tuxedo Polypup who looked ravishing in a tuxedo.
The Scorchio entries were original. Carnia had many different outfits and styles and Cool Cotwit and Zub had nice outfits also. Brux and Mellish go quite well together in the Mellish entries. They make a sexy couple. So do Ernie and Woofie from the Skeith entries.
There were many Peophin entries. 16 entries to be exact. They were all quite beautiful. You had to be there to see it. The contestants were all too pretty to describe. In the Usul entries, it will be very hard to choose a winner because the contestants were all quite stunning. Lorina with her blue dress and heart shape necklace and Moonbunny and Vana with adorable little hats and of course Waynorra who had her little crown on.
The wocky entries were just as good. Jayen and One were well groomed and Wocky and Serebii were adorable and chique. Well, that was the end of the competition.
Good luck to all... All of you who sent entries in, they were great. Every single one of them had something special.... :)
SMILE... mermaidchick
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