The Ball Game Everyone Plays On Thier

Find it HARD to SELL Parents on 'Player Development'?
Want to know more about developing 'Complete' youth players?
Have you ever wondered what people will think if you don’twin games?
Ever feel overwhelmed coaching youth baseball?

The Ball Game Everyone Plays On Their Way

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  1. How to Play It: The first person does anything they want, from spinning around to closing their eyes, before shooting a basketball into the hoop. If they miss, it’s the next person’s turn to make up a crazy shot. If he or she is successful, everyone else has to replicate the shot.
  2. In scramble format, all players tee off, choose which shot is best and all play their next shots from the location of the best shot. Play continues in this fashion for all of the 18 holes. For the best ball format, each player hits his own ball throughout the round.

To get away from them (or expose them), you always have to keep an eye on the ball i.e., their actions and motives for playing their games with you. You have to stop wanting to play. You can stop catching the ball and put it back in the narcissist’s court by setting boundaries and making him aware of his actions. The remarkably bright border collie in the Netherlands has figured out a clever way to trick humanity into giving her exactly what she wants - and what Sue wants is an endless game of fetch. Her ploy is actually quite simple: she tosses her ball over the fence and waits for people passing by, acting as though she lost it. The ball game goes back 3,500 years, making it the first organized game in the history of sports. Mayans loved the game and everyone played at various times, but it also held deep religious, ritual meaning as well. For that reason, it was sometimes played just as a game, with lots of gambling on the teams.

What if We Don't Win?
How Do I SELL Parents on My 'Player Development' System?

I spent 19 years in professional baseball with 14 of thoseyears as a minor league coach/field manager.

During this time, I constantly wrestled withthe desire to win games vs. developing ball players.

I really wanted to wingames because we are Americans and that is what we are judged on, right? Winningis where the bar is set, right?

But, my job description said something different. My job wasto teach, develop, train, mold, mentor, professionalize, coach, counsel,build-up, educate, allow for mistakes and then work to fix them, polish anddisplay character during competition.

Yes, my job was to help players developas a complete package. Why? So my organization…the Boston Red Sox…had a steadysupply of MLB ready players to fill the needs of the major league team.

When the Phone Rings
Building a 'Player Development' Rooted System

Winning is important…but it was the secondary goal. Most ofthe time my teams did not end up on top of the league standings (maybe some onthe bottom…ouch).

Success in our business came from moving prospects up theladder higher up the minor league system and available when the ‘Big-Club’called us for a player to fill in in the majors player roster.

LOVE your site and your philosophy. Wish youcould be cloned and sent all around the country to coach youth baseball! :)Maria,

Wrestling with
'Winning' vs. 'Player-Development'
Knowing Our 'Role'

This is what you get here. You will get the methods,templates, knowledge and proven ideas to help your players play better.


But moreimportant, you will understand how to look at your role and coach baseball fromplayer development eyes and viewpoint.

Is there room for winning? Without adoubt. We want our kids to compete their rear ends off. We want our kids tothrow it, catch it, field it and hit it better than the other teams.

We also want to coach the game in a respectful and classymanner. We want to be great teachers, role models, awesome communicators, fairlyknowledgeable in the game, and be able to teach more than the game.

I call itTheintangibles. Shaping kids into ‘complete’ players.

    Our Youth Baseball Model Has a Problem: Don't Wait Any Longer

    Bob 'the Bull' Watson, the sensational former All-Star player, distinguished Yankees GM, and just retired from Major League Baseballs Commisioners office commented on...

    What he thought was Wrong with the game of Baseball

    He said, 'The two things wrong with baseball today are

    1. The strong emphasis on winning vs. the emphasis on player development of strong players at the youth level.


    2. The lack of coaching at the youth level.'

Remember Your Favorite Coach?

We want to show you how to transform your coaching style,knowledge and approach.

We have plenty of room to fit winning in the mix, yetmore importantly expose an enormous amount of life changing values to yourplayers.

What coach do you remember the most when you were a kid? Whatcoach had the biggest impact on you (hopefully positive)?

After we get to know each other and you start trying ourplayer development approach you will be better equipped to likely be a coachthat kids remember the rest of their lives.

Coaches Need Coaching

When I was hired by the Boston Red Sox to coach/manage my first professional baseball team I was 26 years old.I really thought I knew everything going into that first season.

I had been a college coach’s son hanging around my dad since I was able to walk, learned from many great high school and college coaches.

I was ready to coach, right?

Let me just say this, “It’s what you know after you know everything that counts”. In other words, we never stop learning. No one knows everything or handles every situation perfectly.

After I got out of pro ball in 1997 I had a strong desire to bring my pro ball player development experience to youth baseball coaches.

I say this is a 10 year battle to get our kids to the high school baseball funnel. Kids begin around age 5 and 6 and we want to prepare them and give them the best opportunity to reach the high school baseball funnel at age 15.

For the past 20 years or so I have spent a lot of time sharing my player development system with youth baseball coaches and parents.

Coaching the Coaches...providing tools and the approach to build your player development system with class and integrity.

The Ball Game Everyone Plays On Their First

Does this Player Development
Stuff Really Work?

'Coaching the Coaches'

My desire here is to serve you all by sharing my approach asa reference when you look at youth baseball player development.

My approach comesfrom years and years in player development at the highest levels of probaseball to the lowest tee ball entry levels and everywhere in-between.

I have made mistakes along the way and wish Ihad kept my mouth shut a few times (sorry umpires).

In the end, I want to coachthe coaches.

Show and tell the coaches the proven, best ways to approach youthbaseball and get the most desired positive influence.

You never know…somedaydown the line a kid might say, “I remember you as one the BEST coaches theyever had”.

'A coach is someone who can give correction without causing resentment.' John Wooden.

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