Bztronics Rife Software

  1. In the new age of advanced computers as well as electronics the new Rife Technology Software uses advanced DSP as well as to easily achieve the same results as Rife as well as his team did with more primitive equipment.
  2. In 2004, bztronics changed their entire format to use thier advanced technology skills for alternative health. Rumor has it that the change was made due to the owner's wife having cancer. The first software release to the general public from bztronics was called Alternative Choice Rife Machine Software.

We highly recommend software (an unaffiliated third party). While our recommendation of bztronics does NOT equivocate an endorsement of us by them, we at FreQGeeks Universe truly appreciate their excellent Rife software products, and suggest their products to you for best results.

Rife Technology in the Age of Modern Computers

Rife Technology is based on the foundation of physics and electronic resonance. Everything in the universe has its own resonant frequency based on its atomic content. Resonant frequency may be described as the frequency that causes an echo or resounding. Two examples are as follows.

1. An opera singer shatters a wine glass by singing the note that is the resonant frequency of the wine glass. The wine glass will echo or ring when that frequency is directed toward it.

Bztronics rife software download

2. A factory moved next to a chicken farm. Shortly after the factory began operation, the chickens on the farm died. It was determined through scientific research that the chickens died because the factory was emanating a frequency of 7 Hertz (Hertz is the measurement of frequency). Seven Hertz happened to be the resonant frequency of the brain cavity of the chickens.

Everything has a frequency. We see a 'red' laser as red, only because of the frequency of red light. We hear an 'A' note as it is, because of its frequency, which is 440 Hz (Hz - short for Hertz). Just as every thing has a frequency, everything therefore must have a resonant frequency.

When two different frequencies are combined, a third or modulated frequencyis created. When using a tuning fork to tune a piano, one can hear the modulating frequency until the piano note is in precise resonance with the tuning fork. If the opera singer from the example above directs the sound to a variety of wine glasses, only one type of wine glass will shatter and the others will remain steadfast. This is because all things have a unique resonant frequency of their own. This is a simple law of the universe that applies to all things living or not.

Why does the wine glass shatter? If an object is resonated or in some cases modulated with a separate frequency around the resonant frequency of the object, it causes a reconstruction or separation of atoms or electrons. When this occurs, the object can no longer hold its form or state. Electrons may orbit the nucleus in separate distances from the nucleus. This is referred to as a valence band. There may be many valence bands in a single atom and there may be any given number of electrons in each valence band. There are an equal number of protons and electrons in a single atom. The construction of how many electrons and their configuration in these valence bands determine what the material is. The simplest of all atoms belongs to Hydrogen, which consists only of one electron and one proton. Every molecule, cell and object in the universe is made up of atoms. There are several ways to manipulate the structure of these atoms.

A cancerous cell residing in a human has a different resonant frequency than that of the surrounding cells. The same applies to bacteria and viruses. A Rife Machine is used to resonate and destroy the invading cells leaving the surrounding good cells unharmed. This is what Rife Technology is based on.

By gently stimulating the thyroid gland with the correct frequencies, you can safely increase your metabolism and lose weight fast. Clearly, this is as easy to understand as an opera singer shattering a wine glass through resonance. There are many proven uses of this effect, such as stopping pain and curing disease.

It's important to note: As computers become more powerful, so does the power of DSP (Digital Signal Processing). In the past, people have tried to use simple signal generating software to achieve results. The results were poor at best. In the new age of advanced computers and electronics the new Rife Technology Software uses advanced DSP and to easily achieve the same results as Rife and his team did with more primitive equipment.

Bob has his main degrees in electronics and software design. Throughout the years he has studied the various fields of alternative treatments through Rife Technology and sound wave generation. Rife Machine

How to Detoxify Using Rife Frequencies

The rage in home health care these days is all about detoxifying. And for good reason! We all are accumulating toxins every day just by existing on our planet in it's current state. We get them from the food we eat, the air we breathe, even the water we drink. Throw in an unhealthy habit like smoking or cocktails at five and your poor body is being absolutely bombarded by troublesome toxins.

The way our bodies naturally get rid of toxins is by sweating and urinating. Athletes who have few unhealthy habits and are out there running ever day and drinking lots of purified water may be doing a decent job of keeping their toxin levels down naturally. The rest of us need to do something about it before our immune system becomes so bogged down by them that it allows our body to break down at some weak link - possibly contracting a nasty disease of some type.

If you do not remove all the toxins you accumulate today, they stick around and tomorrow's toxins just build on top of them. It doesn't take very long before you are accumulating them at an alarming rate. This can result in very serious health problems. That's why you are starting to see so many detoxification products being sold on late night television commercials.

Perhaps the best way to detoxify is by using a Rife Frequency Machine. These devices are based on Dr. Royal Raymond Rife's work in the 1930's. He showed that specific radio frequencies can safely destroy invasive microbes and unwanted growth cells without adversely affecting the body's tissue or cell structure, and without harming the good bacteria in our system. This is because every molecule actually resonates at a specific frequency, and by isolating the frequencies of toxins and bad bacteria only they are affected by those radio waves. It's why an opera singer can break a wine glass without hurting anybody or anything else around it. Dr. Rife eventually isolated 52 frequencies that could be used to destroy certain unwanted cells, including tuberculosis and cancer.

Today's Rife Machines have expanded on Dr. Rife's original work and can offer up to 750+ healing frequencies. (Life Frequencies Professional)By using combinations of these frequencies many specific ailments can be effectively targeted. Perhaps the best use of the machine is simply a general detoxification setting, applied several times per week. The user simply holds steel cylinders (or attaches electrode pads) and runs the detox setting for a few minutes, followed by drinking a healthy dosage of pure water. Toxins are flushed out and the immune system stays strong. It's a very effective way of removing toxins, and a heck of a lot more convenient than some of the wacky stuff you see being peddled on those late night commercials!

The other use for Rife Frequency Generator machines is to target the bad cells in your body which are responsible for certain health complaints. Rife frequencies have been reported to be very effective in treating arthritis, diabetes, infections, joint pain, nerve disorders, and even the common cold. Keep in mind that the FDA does not recognize this technology as an accepted treatment method, so it falls under the category of alternative healthcare.

Achieve Total Control Over Body and Mind With Brainwave Entrainment

The zenith of the human soul is to be able to take full control of the body and mind - having the ability to micro manage even the smallest aspect of the engine that is the human body. But unfortunately, in this day and age this is not the case and because of that we are presented with a population of puppets, ruled by their subconscious, prey to advertising and helpless against the various addictions of the world. If we were really in full control of our faculties, nothing would be impossible and industries would literally fall at the feet of the consumer, not the other way around.Rife Machine

These are the aspects in which large conglomerates exploit to sell their products, sell their addictions and sell their labels to us. We are a nicotine and fast food nation who have a massive need for retail therapy. We don't mind paying exorbitant amounts for a simple label and we buy into cultures that we know nothing about. This is why we degrade day by day and yet we ignore the warning signs.

How many of us can truly say no and be firm in our beliefs. How many philosophers are left within the modern society? We are all ruled by our subconscious and weakened by a mantra of acceptance that we take to our graves. The signs are clear. More and more people are dying of cancer related smoking and many more die due to passive inhalation. We know the fast food and certain labels are harmful and we know that we live in a capitalist world that preys on the sensibilities of the weak willed. It is time that we achieve total control over mind and body with brainwave entrainment - a technology that has arrived to fill the gaps left in the world as we know it today. Now nothing is impossible, you can leave behind the shell of your previous existence, he or she who was unambitious, driven to failure, accepting of the status quo.

Bztronics Rife Software


Not confident, fearful and never willing to take risks on the road to success. This person was rife with damage, damage borne from habits like smoking and excessive eating, unhealthy yet unwilling to do anything about it; the scales of the weighing machine were no different to them than the scales of time. Indifferent and unenergetic, this is the poster child for the current world. It is time to change, take control over body and mind because it is yours. Rife Machine

The brain has immense power and you have been blessed with one so advanced, the human race could only figure out a fraction of its power. With brainwave entrainment technology, you can call upon the true potential of your brain to learn, to think, to act you can reach down into your subconscious and reprogram you mind for a more confident, more energetic -with a drive for life and a passion to succeed. This is the new you and he or she is waiting for you to take the plunge.


Crazy Or Not The Detox Box Secret

In my view, based on traditional use, one of the best methods of whole body detoxification is found in the Detox Box. It is programmed with over 250 different frequencies that can support the release of only the bad bacteria trapped in your body using radio sine waves that vibrate through the body deactivating bacteria and pathogens similarly to a wine glass breaking from sound waves.

Bztronics Rife Software Free

Raymond Royal Rife invented a frequency machine.The Detox Box comes standard with stainless steel cylinders which deliver electromagnetic and other subtle energy to the body. Stainless steel cylinders are believed to be more effective for immediate microbial and parasitic die-off, however, some of the most beneficial and effective results will be found using a combination of both the stainless steel and Crystal Resonators. The Detox Box has an 8 year success record and tens of thousands of satisfied users. Designed for daily use, this rife frequency generator is remarkably durable.

The Phase I Opiate Detox Box consists of morning and afternoon 'packets' that each contain a combination of supplements that work in unison to restore biochemical harmony. When used in combination with the intravenous therapies, this process is highly effective. The Detox Box can remarkably assist weight loss by increasing your metabolic rate and improving your fitness levels so in a single 30 minutes session you will burn over 600 calories! Weight loss occurs as you fat becomes water soluble at 43 degrees and the body can sweat it out as well remove water and waste products trapped near the surface of the skin which contributes to cellulite formation!

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